Saturday, July 07, 2007

On Mathematics

So this summer I managed to last about two weeks in Discrete Mathematics. It was another case of a WSU math class that included no actual instruction. At first, I was actually optimistic about it, but I quickly realized that while the instructor was personable, his instruction was unorganized and generally subpar. While I kind of sort of need the class eventually, I don't need it that badly right now.

I need to spend my summer finishing my Shakespeare and History of the English Language correspondence classes. I desperately need to do that. I did manage to mail in three assignments for HotEL this week, which is good. I am cautiously optimistic that the changes in Kansas licensure requirements will mean I don't need those final two classes for my endorsement. I still need to finish them up, though.

I spend the next week in glorious Tulsa for AP training. That means I'll miss a week of Calc II. Plus, I have to take my laptop in order to take my C midterm during the week. Goody.

Finally, even though it's cooler here than in South Dakota, it's still far too hot. Ugh.

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